P e o p l e

Alexei A. Burtsev
Born: Feb 3, 1976, Moscow
Tel +7 095 930 61 15
Fax: +7 095 930 55 59
E-mail: bur@wdcb.ru
Education: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Faculty: Mechanics and Mathematics
Specialization: Mathematical theory of intelligent systems
Specialty: Mathematic, applied mathematic (1998) PhD, physics and mathematics (2001)
Employment, position: Gamburtsev Institute of Physics of the Earth, Centre of Geophysical Data Studies and Telematics Applications, senior scientific researcher, programmer
Publications: 9 publications for 1998-2002
Selected publications:
A. Mikoyan, A. Burtsev, A. Gvishiani, M. Zhizhin,
EMSC strong motion data base: WWW interface, CSEM/EMSC newsletter,
No. 11, July 1997, pp. 5-6
E. Kihn, H. Coffey, R. Conkright, H. Kroel, L. Moris, M. Zhizhin, A. Burtsev, A. Gvishiani, T. Ilina, E. Kharin, D. Nechitailenko,
Solar physics interactive data resource (SPIDR), Moscow, GEOS, 2000, ISBN 5-89118-133-9, 32 pages
A.A. Burtsev, M.N. Zhizhin,
Recognition of analog records of geophysical processes with dynamic programming technique,
Russian magazine of sciences of the Earth, vol.3, No:2, Apr. 2000, pp.185-203
Computer experience:15 years (4 years of Java programming) Java (JSP, Servlets, Web-services, JDBC), C/C++ (MSVisual C++), SQL, MySQL Java-Script, Html, Matlab Development of Scalable Internet Applications
Languages: English


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