(Russian version is available here)
1. Date of birth: 29/10/1948
2. Nationality: Russian
3. Civil status: Russian citizen
4. Tel.: +7 095 133 43 39
5. Fax: +7 095 930 55 59
6. E-mail:
7. Education:
Moscow State University, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, 9/1966-6/1971.
8. Degrees:
Academician (elected foreign member) of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (May 2003), Full professor
of mathematics (Moscow State University, January 1989), Doctor of Sciences in geophysics (Schmidt Institute of Physics
of the Earth AS USSR Moscow, December 1984), Ph.D. in mathematics (Lomonosov Moscow State University, June 1974).
9. Language skills: Russian, English, French.
10. Positions in Russia:
- Since 1999, Deputy Director General of Schmidt United Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences (UIPE RAS);
- Since 1998, Head of the Division of Mathematical Geophysics and Geoinformatics of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS;
- Since 1991, Head of Centre of Geophysical Data Studies and Telematics Applications (CGDS) of the Institute of Physics of the Earth (IPE RAS), Moscow;
- In 1990-1996, chairman of Russian Permanent Committee on Networking Strategies (PCNETS);
- In 1988-2000, professor of mathematics of Moscow State Lomonosov University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics;
- In 1983-1988, associated professor of mathematics of Moscow State Lomonosov University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics.
11. Positions in other countries:
- 1992-2003, full visiting professor in Paris Institute of Physics of the Earth, France;
- 1991, full visiting professor in Strasbourg Institute of Physics of the Earth, France;
- 1990-1993, guest researcher in European Mediterranean Seismological Centre, Strasbourg, France;
- 1983-1985, guest researcher in National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA, USA.
12. Membership in international organizations and executed projects:
- 2002, Vice President of Committee on Data of International Council on Science (CODATA);
- Since 2002, Member of Editorial Board of International Scientific and Technical Journal "System Research and Information Technologies", Kiev, Ukraine;
- 1998-2002, Chairman of CODATA Task Groups "Comparative Mathematical Methodologies for Data Handling and Knowledge Interpretation" and "Data Management and Virtual Laboratories";
- Leader of the European Union IST projects "New Methods of Working for Information Society Technologies Programme Promotion to Commonwealth of Independent States" (WISTCIS, IST-1999-14106, 2000-2003), "Teleworking as a Tool for Information Society Technologies Programme Promotion to Baltic States" (TELEBALT, IST-2001-33041, 2001-2003,) "Telework Solutions for Promotion of EU Cooperation in Business and Research with the Commonwealth of Independent States (TELESOL IST-1999-29038), "Support for Telematics Applications Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States" (STACCIS - EU1116);
- Since 1999, expert-evaluator of the Information Society Technologies programme of the EC;
- Since 1997, Vice Chairman of the Panel of World Data Centres of the International Council for Science (ICSU);
- Since 1995, Vice President of European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC, France);
- Since 1993, Vice President of international association "Earth Data Network for Education and Scientific Exchange" (EDNES, Strasbourg, France);
- 1985-1995, Chairman of the coordinating Committee "Data Centres and Data Exchange" and Bureau member of the International Lithosphere Programme of ICSU, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and International Union of Geological Sciences;
- 2000-2003, scientific leader of the ISTC project "Virtual Laboratory on Elasticity Theory Applications in Geophysics";
- In 1980-1986 and in 1998-2001, co-leader of the joint project of CNRS, France and Russian Academy of Sciences on artificial intelligence studies of earthquake prone-areas and strong ground motions between Strasbourg Institute of Physics of the Earth and UIPE RAS;
- Since 2000, leader of the joint project of CNRS, France and Russian Academy of Sciences on artificial intelligence application to geoelectrical and volcanological data analysis, between Universite de Clermont-Ferrand and UIPE RAS;
- Since 1999, coordinator of joint project between UIPE RAS and National Geophysical Data Centre of NOAA USA on Space Physics Internet Data Resource (SPIDR).
13. Key qualifications: mathematical geophysics and geoinformatics, telematics applications, geophysical and environmental databases
on-line, management of geophysical, environmental, telematics and other relevant international projects in particular in CIS countries,
artificial intelligence algorithms and their applications to global geophysical databases, teleworking software products adaptation and
implementation for geophysical and other scientific and technological data handling and studies.
14. Experience of work with United Nations System:
- in 1980-2000, implementation of EU, UNESCO, UNIDO and UNEP environmental and informatics/telematics projects in the CIS, Eastern European and African (Morocco, Zambia, Kenya) countries;
- 1996-1999, implementation of EU STACCIS project in collaboration with UNESCO;
- 2002-2003, implementation of EU TELESOL in collaboration with UNIDO.
15. Publications: Four books and more than 150 papers are published in international and Russian scientific journals.
The book A.A. Kirillov, A.D. Gvishiani "Theorems and Problems of Functional Analysis" is published in English (by Springer), French, Hungarian,
Italian and Russian languages. The most recent books are J. Dubois, A. Gvishiani "Dynamical Systems and Dynamic Classification Problems in
Geophysical Applications" is published in 1998 in Springer-Verlag in CODATA series "Data and Knowledge in Changing World" and
A. Gvishiani, J.-O. Dubois "Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Systems for Geophysical applications" is published in 2002 in Springer-Verlag.
Complete list of publications
List of papers delivered at conferences