P e o p l e


Ph.D., Head of Telecommunications Laboratory Centre of Geophysical Data Studies and Telematics Applications (CGDS), Gamburtsev Institute of Physics of the Earth (IPE) Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Post: CGDS, Molodezhnaya ul. 3, Moscow 117296, Russia
Phone: +7 095 930 61 15
Fax: +7 095 930 55 59
E-mail: jjn@wdcb.ru

Research interests: Artificial intelligence, neuro-, fuzzy- and soft-computing, telecommunications and distributed computing, digital signal processing, geophysics

Experience: 9/79 - 6/84 Student at Moscow State University, Department of Pure Mathematics, with specialization in functional analysis. Graduated with honors.
9/84 - 5/86 Postgraduate student at the Department of Mathematics, Moscow State University, with specialization in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.
6/86 - 1/88 Assistant professor at the Computer Sciences Department, Moscow Institute of Geodesy, Airborne Photography and Cartography.
2/88 - 10/91 Computer sciences engineer, later (from 1/90) scientific researcher in the International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Moscow.
6/90 - 5/94 Participation in the joint research Project of European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), French Atomic Energy Commission and Moscow Institute of Physics of the Earth on the applications of syntactic pattern recognition in seismic waveforms discrimination.
11/91 - 5/95 Senior researcher at the Centre of Geophysical Data Studies and Telematics Applications, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow. Group leader on artificial intelligence applications for digital seismic data analysis and administrator of Strong Motion Data Bank.
from 12/94 Creation and management of high-speed telecommunication links to Internet from Geophysical Centre RAS (Moscow), Joint Institute of Physics of the Earth (Moscow), and Geophysical Survey RAS (Obninsk) in collaboration with Institute of Space Research RAS, Moscow State University and NASA Space Science Internet.
from 6/95 Head of Computer Telecommunications Laboratory, Centre of Geophysical Computer Data Studies of Joint Institute of Physics of the Earth
5/93 Project manager on the UNESCO study "Computer telecommunications with and within Russia for Science and Education".
5/95, 8/95, 5/96, 12/96, 2/97, 6/97, 12/97, 5/98,3/99
Teacher and Manager of UNESCO/UNDP/UNIDO/the British Council/American Bar Association Training Courses "Internet and Other Computer Networks for Scientific Research and Business" held in Moscow, Krasnodar, and Baku

International cooperation: 6/90-2/96 Research in European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre in Strasbourg (Prof. J.Bonnin) and in Computer Research Centre of Montpellier University (Prof. J.Sallantin).
from 1992 Research in the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Paris (IPGP, Acad. J.-L. LeMouel, Prof. J.Dubois, Prof. M.Diament and Prof. R.Madariaga,). From 1996 Invited Professor in Geophysics at the IPGP.
from 1997 Research at Space Physics Division of the National Geophysical Data Centre, NOAA US (Dr. H.Kroehl, Dr. E.Kihn). Architect and development of distributed parallel data mining systems for meteorology (Environmental Scenario Generator, ESG) and space physics (Space Physics Interactive Data Resource, SPIDR)

Degree: Ph.D. thesis "Syntactic pattern recognition applied to strong motion data analysis", November 1992.


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