Timoshkina Elena Pavlovna
Born June 17, 1952 Daugavpils, Latvia SSR.
Education: Graduated form department of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics at 1974.
Degrees: MS in "System programming", Moscow State .University, 1974,
PhD in geophysics at United Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, 1998,
Thesis "Mathematical model of evolution of rheologically stratified Earth's outer shell".
Academic positions: International World Data Centre-B RAS, 1974-1985. Computer support of geophysical databases in Russia and Bulgaria. Modeling of seismic waves propagation in inhomogeneous media (scientific advisor - academician Veniamin P. Myasnikov).
Department of Mathematical Geology in Geological Institute RAS - 1985 - 1989 (head of department - academician Veniamin P. Myasnikov). Numerical modeling of the Earth's thermal filed at the stage of its convective cooling, numerical modeling of formation of planets. Took part in thermal modeling of damaged block of Chernobyl nuclear power station.
Laboratory of Mathematical geophysics and joint analysis of geophysical data, United Institute of physics of the Earth RAS, 1989 - 2000 (head of laboratory - prof. Valentine Mikhailov). Numerical modeling of evolution and thermal regime of tectonic structures in system lithosphere - asthenosphere. Numerical modeling of orogenic belts and sedimentary basins.
Laboratory of Artificial intelligence, United Institute of physics of the Earth RAS (head of laboratory - prof. Alexei Gvishiani). Numerical geodynamics, including modeling of tectonic structures formation.
Main publications (more then 30 on total):
1. Constraints on the Neogene - Quaternary geodynamics of the Southern Urals: comparative study of neotectonic data and results of strength and strain modeling along the URSEIS profile. In: D. Brown, Ch. Juhlin and V. Puchkov (Eds) Mountain building in Uralides: Pangea to present. AGU geophysical monograph series, v. 132, 2002 (co-authors: Mikhailov V.O., Tevelev A.V., Berzin A.G., Kiseleva E.A., Smolyaninova E.I., Suleimanov A.K.).
2. Foredeep basins: the main features and model of formation. Tectonophysics v. 308, pp. 345-360, 1999, (co-authors Mikhailov V.O., Polino R).
3. Dynamics of the Earth' outer shell evolution under extension and compression. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth (Engl. Edition of Izvestiya RAS, ser. Fizika Zemly) v.32, N.6, pp. 496-502, 1996, (ca-authors Mikhailov V.O., Myasnikov V.P.).
4. Analysis of sedimentary basins using the model of the rheologically stratified Earth outer shell. In: Problems of mechanics of continuum media Proceedings of Far East Dept. Of Russian Academy of Sciences. Vladivostok, p. 142-159, 1996, (co-authors Mikhailov V.O., Kiseleva E.A.).
5. On the interaction of mantle flow with rheologically stratified boundary layer. Proceedings(Doklady) of Russian Academy of Sciences, v.330 (N6). p. 771-773, 1993, (co-authors Mikhailov V.O., Myasnikov V.P.).
6. Analysis of the data on the Gakkel ridge within the frameworks of the thermal model of the oceanic rift zone. Proceedings(Doklady) of Russian Academy of Sciences v. 331 (N4). p. 497-499, 1993, (co-author Mikhailov V.O.).
7. Geodynamical models of sedimentary basins evolution (An overview). Proc. of All-Union Inst. of Economics of Mineral Resources. Ser. "Math. methods and computer systems in geology". Moscow. 50 p., 1991 (co-author Mikhailov V.O.).
8. Model of the Earth interior evolution at the convective cooling stage. Proceedings(Doklady) of Russian Academy of Sciences, v.306, p. 65-68, 1989, (co-author Myasnikov V.P.).
9. Analysis of hypsometric features of planets from point of view of convective evolution of their interior. Astronomical review, XXI, N2, p. 176-180, 1987 (co-authors M.S. Markov, V.P. Myasnikov, J.F. Rodionova).
10. Application of space-time ray-tracing method in theory of seismic waves propagation in inhomogeneous media. VINITI, dep. N5326-82, 19 p., 1982 (co-author V.I. Topale).
11. Database on planetary geophysical studies. Procedding of WDCB-B, 30 p., 1985 (co-authors - V.V. Danil'chev, V.A. Lyakhovsky and Yu.S. Tyupkin).