P e o p l e


Born on 19 June 1979 in Moscow, Russian Federation (Soviet Union at that time).
Tel.: +7 095 133 43 39
Fax: +7 095 930 55 59
E-mail: tols@wdcb.ru

In 2002 graduated from Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, speciality Applied Mathematics. Since 1999, researcher at Centre of Geophysical Data Studies and Telematics Applications of Institute of Physics of the Earth of Russian Academy of Sciences (CGDS IPE RAS).

Was taking part in system Java-programming (applets and servlets development) in the framework of the joint project between CGDS and NGDC (USA) (1999-2001) devoted to creation of geoinformatics Internet-portal "Space Physics Interactive Data Resource" (SPIDR).

In 2001-2003 was the project engineer in EU IST project "New Methods of Working for Information Society Technologies Programme Promotion to Commonwealth of Independent States" (WISTCIS, IST-1999-14106). Besides, in the framework of the project WISTCIS studied and adapted for participating CIS countries several EU telematics applications, mostly German developments, in collaboration with their authors. In particular, successfully implemented Presence Awareness Service, which allows users to 'see' each other while they are browsing the same Web-page or Web-site (system Java-programming), in cooperation with University of Ulm (Germany) in the framework of the project WISTCIS. In 2001-2003 took part in EU IST project "Teleworking as a Tool for Information Society Technologies Programme Promotion to Baltic States" (TELEBALT, IST-2001-33041) and since 2002 takes part in EU IST project "Telework Solutions for Promotion of EU Cooperation in Business and Research with the Commonwealth of Independent States" (TELESOL, IST-1999-29038).

Since 2000 is occupied with various geophysical data analysis and implementation of fuzzy-logic based algorithms for it's processing and research. Degree thesis was related to this area. At the moment, the work on Ph.D. thesis is being implemented in the same field. The research is mostly focused on application of a series of fuzzy-logic based algorithms "Crystal" and "Rodin" to gravity, magnetic and seismic data analysis. The algorithms were developed in CGDS IPE RAS. They are applicable to one of the fundamental objectives of data processing and analysis - clustering and tracing in various dimension huge datasets. All of them are based on fuzzy-sets and fuzzy-models approach, since metering and processes in such areas as geophysics often have fuzzy and poorly assigned character and often are implemented in noisy and unstable conditions. In the research the algorithms are used for processing of Eiler's solution sets. In particular, the algorithms were successfully applied to classification of several synthetic geophysical datasets, gravity dataset in the Molucca sea area (Indonesia) and magnetic dataset in Saint Malo region (France). The "Crystal" algorithms are being applied to seismic data in California region (USA) and Japan. Application of the algorithms in the framework of the several international scientific projects has demonstrated their high efficiency and absolute compliance with the world science level. Recently a new article (S. Agayan, A. Soloviev "Allocation of dense areas in metric spaces basing on crystallisation") was prepared and submitted for publishing in Ukrainian international scientific journal "System Research and Information Technologies".

Since 2004 participates in geoinformatics project "Virtual Laboratory on Tectonophysical Analysis of Modern and Paleotensions". It is a joint project of Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS (Moscow, Russia), CGDS IPE RAS (Moscow, Russia), Geological Institute RAS (Moscow, Russia) and Institute of the Earth's Crust of Siberian division of RAS (Irkutsk, Russia). The project proposal won the competition, which was held by Kauffman Charity Foundation. The Foundation is aimed at young scientists support. The project duration is one year and it is funded by the Foundation.


  1. H.Christein, A.Soloviev. Multilingual Collaborative Browsing User Agent as an extension of the CoBrow concept. WISTCIS Newsletter vol.2, pp.22-25. ISBN: 5-201-14920-0
  2. E.Kedrov, A.Soloviev. WISTCIS on the Web: state of the art. WISTCIS Newsletter vol.2, pp.18-20. ISBN: 5-201-14920-0
  3. A.Soloviev, E.Kedrov. Collaborative browsing toolkit (CoBrow) and Virtual Presence System (VPS). TELEBALT Newsletter vol.1, pp.11-14. ISBN: 5-89118-252-1
  4. H.Christein, A.Soloviev. Implementation of multilingual Collaborative Browsing User Agent as an extension of the CoBrow concept. TELEBALT Newsletter vol.2, pp.14-16
  5. A.Soloviev, H.Christein. Presence Awareness Service: collaborative browsing at "WISTCIS on the Web" system. WISTCIS Newsletter vol.3, pp.60-62. ISBN: 5-201-11963-8
  6. A.Soloviev, S.Agayan, A.Gvishiani. Application of algorithm "Crystal" to gravity data clustering. Report at TELESOL workshop "Telework in medicine, research and business" in Kiev, Ukraine (April 24-25, 2003). Abstracts. 2003, p.7
  7. A.Gvishiani, Y.Murakami, M.Diament, J.-E.Dubois, H.Kroehl, S.Agayan, V.Mikhailov, Sh.Bogoutdinov, M.Kovalenko, A.Soloviev. Fuzzy-logic based artificial intelligence algorithms in applications to geophysical problems. Report at the Sixth ISTC Scientific Advisory Committee Seminar "Science and Computing" in Moscow, Russia (September 15-17, 2003). Abstracts. 2003, p.101


2000–2004 © CGDS