sta_logo.gif (4950 bytes)

reddot05.gif (4512 bytes)  On the WEB




JAVA % Beat    aqua.gif (3313 bytes)    VRML % Beat

Prevention of Natural Disasters starts from information.
Recent developments in dynamic Web-publishing open new horizons in geoinformatics.


Ours is vivid 3D world

horiz.jpg (17285 bytes)

WWW at large is motionless Flatland
Virtual Reality Modeling/Java makes the difference

Greater interactivity is one of the hallmarks of Web pages that use Java and Virtual Reality Modeling objects. Users can interact with the content of a Java/VRML -powered page via the mouse, keyboard, and other user-interface elements such as buttons, slides, and text fields.


Java-Beat and VRML-Beat
are accompanying Web-pages
of STACCIS Technology Watch Web-site


The principal objective of Java-Beat and VRML-Beat is to provide assistance, advice and expertise in all technical aspects of empowering Web-sites with greater interactivity, including:

To achieve above mentioned goals the whole pages are mastered in some technogenic style, they are provided with beautiful freebee artistic applets, and also with some puzzles to catch the public fancy. We've included a wide variety of applets in this page: text effects, interactive graphics, games and educational application, and many more.


You will find inside:
key_anim.gif (12295 bytes)


dot24.gif (222 bytes)     JAVA % Beat


Java is one of the most significant software products to hit the scene in a long time.   Java applet is a Java program that can be included in an HTML page, much in the same way an image is included.

JavaBeat introduce you to Java and shows you to how use Java applets in your HTML pages. It was not meant as an exhaustive account of the language, but as enough background to get interested in creating dynamic Web-pages with Java.

To demonstrate basic Java language several applets show what Java-powered Web-pages can offer:

The collection of periodicals, showing ongoing implementation of JAVA Technology in the Real World -Aerospace, Education, Entertainment, Financial/Banking, Health Care/Medical, Insurance, Manufacturing, Media/Publishing, Research, Retail/Distribution, Service/Consulting, Telecommunications, Transportation, Travel etc. is given in special subsection.

Birds eye view on all other dynamic Web-publishing includes some notion of GIF pictures, giving an animated effect (flip-flop animation), HTML tools; JavaScript and of other script languages.


Scores of free-bee applets in JavaBeat show what Java-powered Web-pages can offer. These applets were selected according to their educative potential.

E.g. JigSaw puzzle shown here can be used
to increase public awareness in new coming EURO bills


jigsaw.jpg (84838 bytes)



dot24.gif (222 bytes)      VRML % Beat     


You will have the opportunity  to interact with 3D objects:


 vrml_earth.jpg (17939 bytes)

 vrml_sta.jpg (44110 bytes)



dot24.gif (222 bytes)      Virtual Demo by Peter Schickel


We are glad to place on our Web-site this beautiful demonstration shown on EXPO 98 of what VRML powered Web-pages can do with courtesy of its author Peter Schickel (

wow2anim.gif (16513 bytes)

 sch_comp.jpg (11107 bytes)



br22.gif (5415 bytes)


These sites makes extensive use of some advanced Web technologies. You might need to check whether your Internet Browser has the following capabilities:
    JAVA 1.1
    VRML 2.0

One can say that if ya want to troll through these pages, ya need a browza!



br22.gif (5415 bytes)


forward.gif (1458 bytes)     To go to Java-Beat click here    

javamain.jpg (53357 bytes)


forward.gif (1458 bytes)     To go to VRML-Beat click here    

vrmlmain.jpg (38419 bytes)



forward.gif (1458 bytes)     To go to Virtual Demo by Peter Schickel click here    

schickel.jpg (55102 bytes)

For original version supplied with music click here.


forward.gif (1458 bytes)     "Portal to the Future" click here  (bluxxun interactive)  

ctcbeta.jpg (33287 bytes)


Are you interested to visit this city? If not you are very busy and may be slightly dull person. In this case you may be interested to learn why customers including Bank Austria, BMW, Canal+, CBS Sportsline, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, IBM, Intel, NTT Data, Siemens and Ticketmaster have all built multimedia communication applications with solutions from blaxxun.

Both Java-Beat and VRML-Beat are provided with links to places to go. We decided to devote a special page to blaxxun interactive, which is market leader for Internet Multimedia Communication.



This page is an accompanying Web-page of STACCIS Technology Watch Web-Site.


STACCIS Major Web-site :

STACCIS Technology Watch Web-site :

Cutting edge of telematics technology :

Java-Beat :

VRML-Beat :

Virtual Demo :
    Internet version
    Intranet version


Please send your comments and suggestions about the contents of the Web-site and its design to:

Webmaster (

STACCIS Telematics Application Engineer
Dr. Alexander Troussov
copyright.gif (5476 bytes)