TM TECHNOLOGY IN THE REAL WORLDHere are some recent examples of JavaTM technology in action taken from periodicals.
Reliability, security, and overall performance are essentials in the world
of online banking, and now Java technology is not only measuring up—it is steadily
empowering a financial services revolution.
August, 1998 Feature
United States Postal Service
The United States Postal Service uses Java technology and online forms to create dramatic
time savings for its bulk mail customers. These “smart” forms provide automatic
postage calculation, navigational prompts and error checking features that automate the
documentation process and significantly reduce errors.
June, 1998 Feature
Prudential HealthCare
In an effort to elevate and improve its administration of health benefits to its
customers, Prudential HealthCare looked to the Java Technology platform to develop the
first-of-its-kind Web-based benefits administration system.
March, 1998 Summary
AlliedSignal Inc.
AlliedSignal is building a network-centric, thin client application development
architecture. JavaTM and network computers aid this
process by allowing real-time instructions to be delivered directly to the manufacturing
floor, thereby allowing the company to realize the significant cost benefits of centrally
managed applications.
March, 1998 Summary
Ernst & Young, LLP
Drawing on their strength and expertise as a Sun Authorized Java Center and Sun Authorized
Factory Services Provider, Ernst & Young, LLP collaborated with We Develop, Inc. to
develop a Java-based application targeted for use internally in their Tax department.
March, 1998 Summary
Great products are important to a company, but equally important for success is internal
management and problem-solving. Read how Xerox worked with Nestek developers on a
Java-technology-based internal problem management system that made all the difference.
February, 1998
Java Technology Greets Superbowl Fans
During the Super Bowl, visitors interacted with Java applications on touch-screen kiosks
deployed throughout the city. Read how the Java platform made it possible.
January, 1998
Service Merchandise
Service Merchandise is developing an online catalog application based on JavaTM Technology.
Fall, 1997 Short Profile
Sony Online Ventures
Sony is building an open API network that was based completely on server-side JavaTM technology.
Fall, 1997 Short Profile
On Hawaii's Mauna Kea volcano stands a twin set of the world's most powerful
telescopes. For this beautiful but difficult location, Keck developers built a distributed
Java-based user interface that astronomers can use from home or anywhere on the Internet.
November, 1997
Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Mt. Sinai is using its recently implemented intranet and a Java-based workflow system to
computerize the traditionally cumbersome task of issuing death certificates.
October, 1997
Bell Sygma
Java technology opens access inside and outside the enterprise. Using Java technology,
Bell Sygma is able to give external, secure access to an internal database.
October, 1997
Ergon Informatik
Ergon Informatik is a leading software development firm and systems integrator based in
Zurich, Switzerland. Through the use the Java development platform, Ergon created a
Java-based application that retrieves product safety information from the corporate
database and rolls it up so that it can be instantly browsed by Roche employees worldwide.
Hubble Space Telescope
As Hubble orbits, quietly working away in the background is something called the Control
Center System (CCS), a suite of Java applets that lets scientists and engineers control
and monitor the Hubble from earth.
July, 1997
Mars Pathfinder Mission
On July 4th 1997, the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft landed on Mars, carrying a
rover that is the first vehicle to drive on the surface of the planet.Nearly an eighth of
a billion miles away, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Earth, are remotely
commanding the rover.
July, 1997
Recognizing the importance of integrating database access into the expanding worlds of the
Internet and intranets, InfoSpace, Inc. of San Mateo, California devised an innovative
data access and analysis solution for the Web based on Java.
OpenConnect Systems
Legacy hosts, such as mainframe, midrange and minicomputer systems, are now being
integrated into Web-based enterprise infrastructures, thanks to recent Java-based products
from OpenConnect Systems Inc. of Dallas, Texas.
via World Network
A software development spin-off from Andersen Consulting, via World Network is developing
a Java-based desktop travel planning and booking application.
Java Technology
Means Business
BYTE Magazine surveyed nearly three hundred Java software developers to discover what the
first wave of these pioneers think about the technology.
March, 1998
Internet Round Table: Enterprise
Customers Serve Up Java Technology
A lunchtime session at Internet World brought together representatives from six companies
actively enganged in using Java technology to create cross-platform solutions and
innovative, portable products.
December, 1997
Java Gets Real
Countless companies are realizing real benefits today from Java. Recent testimonies from
hundreds of Java enterprise partners and a host of mission-critical applications for major
industries tell the story.
September, 1997
Java: End To End Solutions
The presence of Java technology has gained a foothold in the business world. Java is
happening in a big way at big companies.
August, 1997
Power Tools for Any Environment: Java Foundation Classes Rule!
What do Home Depot and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory have in common? Both are reaping
the fruits of Java Foundation Classes to build intranet applications.
Network Computing and Java Technology
With the growth of the Internet and intranets, Computing services can be doled out from
powerful servers to many different types of clients, includeing PCs, powerful workstations
and a whole new class of simpler, easy to manage network appliances- the NC or network
July, 1997
Software Reuse With Java Technology: Finding the Holy
The quest for reusable software is as old as the software industry, but developers have
found a new hope: the Java programming language. Companies, large and small, are hoping
that Java technology will allow them to create software once and simply add to it as
development continues.
May, 1997