January 28, 2005
New section of the TELESOL Web-site "Countries' information" now available.
November 15-17, 2004
TELESOL takes part in ISTevent2004 exhibition in the Hague. Photogallery
November 15-17, 2004
TELESOL takes part in ISTevent2004 exhibition in the Hague. Detailed information is available here.
October 14-15 2004
TELESOL conference in Almaty: "e-Collaboration@work: EuroAsiaOnline'04" (Call for application Eng/Rus, more info about conference you can get from Kazakhstan web-site)
October 07, 2004
Programme of the TELESOL conference in Almaty see here.
July 01, 2004 Interview with TELESOL command published by official Web-site of European Commision, dedicated to results of Telematical projects
Web-site update, 2004
Hit counter was enabled since February 2004
Registration form for the "Telework community" section
"What's new" section updating
New Telework tool was available at June 2004
June 09, 2004
EuroITX.com - the new Telework tool was available in the "Telework tools" section
February 05-06, 2004
TELESOL workshop in Baku: "Telework in government, business, research and vocational training" (Programme)
Registration and information are available at the Azerbaijan Web-site
December 09, 2003
TELESOL took place on WSIS summit in Geneve
November 20-21, 2003
WISTCIS (IST-1999-1406) Outlook Conference in Moscow
June 16, 2003
Report on the TELESOL Workshop "Telework in Medicine and Business" 24-25 April 2003, Kiev is avaible at "Materials/Reports" section
June 01, 2003
TELESOL team completed work on new version of UNIDO/EDNES e-readiness tool. This work was done under friendly agreement between UNIDO and EDNES in the framework of TELESOL; UNIDO e-readiness tool version 1.0 was complemented with TELESOL system of telework aptitude tests. At this moment the tool is available on TELESOL web-site (click here!); in the nearest future it will also be available on CD-ROM.
April 24-25, 2003
TELESOL workshop in Kiev, Ukraine.
"Telework in medicine, research and business" (Programme)
April 22, 2003
The progress report (01.03.2002-28.02.2003) is avaible at "Materials/Reports" section
December 30, 2002
First issue of TELESOL newsletter is printed
November 19-20, 2002
TELESOL workshop "Technical aspects of the telework" was held in Yerevan, Armenia
November 12, 2002
The annual review TELESOL took place in Brussels, Belgium
October 21-22, 2002
Project TELESOL was promoted by presentation on the TELEBALT workshop "Telework for business, education and electronic commerce" in Vilnius, Lithuania
July 5, 2002
Committe on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science, ICSU, announces the launch of the first issue of it's free electronic journal Data Science Journal
July 1, 2002
TELESOL Web-site became operational
June 7, 2002
The kick-off workshop took place in Bishkek
May-June 2002
Guidelines for the creation of the local TELESOL Web-sites were compiled, submitted to the participating countries and discussed with the focal point in these countries. Agreement for hosting the Central Asian sites on the main TELESOL server
http://www.ednes.org/telesol/kg) was reached
May 2002
Project TELESOL was promoted by presentation on an international conference WWDU-2002 (WorkWithDisplayUnits-2002) in Berchtesgaden, Germany, on May 21-26, 2002 (see presentation)
April 2002
TELESOL brochure was published in hard copies in English (1000 copies) and in Russian (1000 copies), and disseminated among focal points and interested audience, in particular, at the TELESOL kick-off meeting in Bishkek, Kyrghyzstan, on June 07, 2002
March 2002
Project manager S.Smaguine visited Kazakhstan, Kyrghyzstan and Uzbekistan with the purposes of determining the eventual project participants and of the venue of the kick-off meeting