Пятая Рамочная программа, (Fifth Framework Programme)
Шестая Рамочная программа, (Research and Technology Development, Sixth Framework Programme)
Европейская Коммиссия и Пятая Рамочная программа (Fifth framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (1998 - 2002))
Европейская Коммиссия и Шестая Рамочная программа (The Commission's proposal for a Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006))
[HTML, Power Point] Презентация Пятой и Шестой Рамочных программ, Jacques Babot, Head of the E-Work Sector (IST From the Fifth to the Sixth Framework Programme European Union Research Programme)
Лекция, Пятая и Шестая Рамочные программы
Проекты IST
Проект TELESOL демонстрирует и внедряет методы телематической работы в сотрудничество между EC и восемью странами СНГ (Азербайджан, Армения, Грузия Казахстан, Киргизстан, Россия, Узбекистан, и Украина) вделовой и научной сферах. Он привносит в страны СНГ опыт телеработы и наилучшие телематические решения участников из EC. Он так же изучает ситуацию и возможности для телематической работы в участвующих странах СНГ. В этих странах данный проект создает понимание технических и управленческих проблем телеработы, а также ее преимуществ. При помощи распространения соответствующей информации и обучения, участники из стран СНГ узнают об опыте и наилучших примерах телематической работы в странах ЕС. Проект также устанавливает новые связи между ЕС и СНГ в обдасти телеработы.
E3WORK - Project Eastern Europe E-work (E3WORK) main goal is to promote the use of telework in central Europe and Baltic countries. The project will be based on the experience of the project coordinator in telework applications in organisations, and the original methodology. A virtual community will be created to exchange experiences and information. Women professional integration is a key objective of this project. The implementation includes: transfer of eWork implementation methodology and know-how from Distance Expert (France) to the members of the consortium; experiment eWork in national organisations (private and/or public) and manage a pilot implementation; disseminate information about eWork; design basic eLearning modules; identify national boosters and inhibitors.
Technology Exploitation and Adaptable Methodologies (TEAM) offer new organisational models and practices for e-working teams. The TEAMwork project involves 14 participants from seven EU member and associate member states. Drawing on the results of previous IST projects it addresses the challenges many organisations face in managing and motivating people in an e-working environment. TEAMwork sets out to provide a novel solution for decision-making in a distributed multi-cultural environment. Thus TEAMwork supports the take-up of two previous actions under the Fourth Framework Programme and integrates, adapts and adds to these to address a priority of the Fifth Framework Programme. The solution integrates three components: technology, methodology and skills.
THINK - Towards Handicap Integration Negotiating Knowledge - is a project that will professionally integrate 300 disabled people, as teleworkers, in five European countries, up to July 2002. Professional integration implies transfer of skills in different areas so that they become productive, lucrative and self-sufficient using information and communication technologies for telework. The THINK project is already a technological, organisational and social model, recognised in Europe as an innovative solution for disabled people. There are 60 vacancies in Portugal, 60 in Spain, 60 in Italy, 40 in Greece, 20 in Scotland and 60 in Latvia. In the medium term, the project will be extended to Brazil, the USA and New Zealand.
StarMate - System using Augmented Reality for Maintenance, Assembly, Training and Education - is a project that aims at specifying, designing, developing, and demonstrating a product dedicated to computer-guided maintenance of complex mechanical elements. At the end of the project, the developed product will provide user's assistance while performing assembly/de-assembly and maintenance operations on mechanical systems. The product will also help workforce train to achieving assembly/de-assembly and maintenance procedures. The system will rely on augmented reality technology to provide more flexibility in working methods while preserving user mobility in context where access to conventional documentation is cumbersome. It will improve work environment user-friendliness. It will allow user to access full documentation and manuals directly registered to his working environment. Visual and audio augmentation will be used to guide the user through the right procedure to apply. The system will be controlled through both speech and a pointing device system.
UNITE - Ubiquitous and Integrated Teamwork Environment - is a project that focuses on collaborative work environments (both virtual and real) for flexible, mobile and remote working in project teams and virtual organisations. The principal aim is to provide an advanced and affordable integrated software platform for Internet-based collaborative work to support in-house or within business consortia commercial and research project teams. UNITE will offer a shared virtual workplace, customised for teamwork, that seamlessly integrates the virtual and physical resources that team members use to perform their work, wherever they are working, be it on company premises, at home, or on the move.
ShopAware will develop new methods for E-commerce based on stable customer-supplier relationships:
Trust built on security, privacy, anonymity, transaction documentation and personal service
Marketing tools for the electronic merchant to present individual offerings for each customer based on the existing tool FidWare
Virtual awareness and person-to-person communication builds personal relationships.
ABILITY ENHANCEMENT FOR GEOPHYSICISTS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISTS - AEGIS (Project No.: IST-2000-26450; IPGP Coordinator): The objective is to help fill the skills gap in information technology for earth sciences specialists concerned with natural hazard mitigation as well as with hydrocarbon exploration and production. The training programme involves two types of actions: workgroup training sessions and training through individual research activity.