Name, First Name | Country | Organization | Postal Address | Tel., fax | E-mail |
Abalazkya Elena | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | t. 044 2161914 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Autsheva Nataliya | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , APRODOS | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2419659 fax.044 2745932 | |
Babaev Tofig | Azerbaijan | Baku Scientific and Training Centre,Director | 11, Idayatzade str. 370154, Baku, Azerbaijan | t.99412 663881 fax.99412 663995 | |
Badalian Araik | Armenia | Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Ukraine, counselor | 45, Volodymyrska str.,Kyiv | t.044 2351004 fax.044 2440500 | |
Baranovskaja Natalia | Ukraine | | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 2417615 fax:044 274-59-32 | |
Beriozko Aleksander | Russian Federation | CGDC IPE PAS, Head Laboratory of Geoinformation Systems | 3 Molodezhnaya str., Moscow, | t.095-9306115 fax.095-9305559 | |
Bersirov Igor | Ukraine | EDNES GSP RUOOD, | 255620, Ukraine, Chernobyl 10 Libkneht str | t.293 52410 (51942) fax.293 52597 | |
Bogatenkov Petru | Moldova | Center of Information Technologies of ASM,Vice-director | 5 Academie str., MD-2028, Chisinau, Moldova | t.3732 738774 fax 3732 727026 | |
Bogatyrev Igor | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Bondarenko Tatiana | Ukraine | Ukraine ingenner-pedagogical academy,Student | 61003,Kharkiv, Universitetskay str. | t.20-64-89 | |
Bonnin Jean | France | Louis Pasteur University (Strasbourg) Institute of Physics of the Earth, EDNES President | 67084; 5, rue Rene Descartes, Strasbourg, France | t.+33-390-240032 fax+33-390-240291 | |
Brovka Gennadi | Republic of Belarus | BSPA (Bilorus State Politechnical Academy)Vice-rector | 220027, Minsk,Belarus | t.:2327426 fax.2327428 | Isd@bspa.unibelby |
Brykaylo Ludmyla | Ukraine | International Institute for Market Relation and Entrepreneurship - Centre "Rynok", Head of department | 02152 Kiev, st. Bereznyakivska. 26-B | t. 044 55366 07, 5532579 fax.044 5536609 | |
Butsun Yegor | Ukraine | NSC IASA | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2418706 | |
Buzovskyy Oleg | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Chobonyan Levon | Georgia | Business Communication Centre BCC-Tbilis, Director | 47, Kostava str., Tbilisi, 380079, | t.99532 9883171 fax 995 32 987601 | |
De Vries Edwin F. | The Netherlands | PwC,Pricewaterhouse Coopers N.V., Technology Consultants | 30715, 2500 GS, The Hague, | t.3170 342 6373 fax.3170 342625 | |
Deyneka Vasyl | Ukraine | Institute of Cibernetics V.M. Glushkov NAS of Ukraine EDNES,Head of department | 03022, Kyiv 22 av. Akademika Glushkova, 40 | t.044 2662008 fax.044 2667418 | |
Dodonov Aleksandr | Ukraine | Institute of Problems of Regeneration and Information of NAS of Ukraine EDNES, Vice-director | 03113, Kyiv, Shpaka str,2 | fax. 2417233 | |
Druzhinin Eugene | Ukraine | National Aerospace university named by N.E.Zhukovski "Kharkov aviation institute", Candidate of technical science | 17 Chkalova str., 61070, Kharkov | t. 0572 441184 fax.0572 441131 | |
Dubko Valeriy | Ukraine | Academy of municipal administration | Ivana Kudri, 38, Kyiv, Ukraine | t.044 4161408 | |
Dzhemelinskiy Vitaliy | Ukraine | Scientific institutions "KVALITET" | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t. 044 2746153 | |
Ebert Johannes | Germany | Goethe-Institut | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 236 9574 fax: 044 2746979 | |
Fedorovich Oleg | Ukraine | National Aerospace university named by N.E.Zhukovski "Kharkov aviation institute", Candidate of technical science | 17 Chkalova str., 61070, Kharkov | t. 0572 441184 fax.0572 441131 | |
Fesechko Volodymyr | Ukraine | Faculty of Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 441-19-16 fax.044 2745932 | |
Gagarin Aleksandr | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , APRODOS | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044-2419686 fax.044 2745932 | |
Galagan Volodymyr | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Garaseferyan Karen | Armenia | State Enginering University of Armenia | 105 Teryan Str., Yerevan, Armenia | t.3749 411125 fax.3741 151945 | |
Gasanov Aydin | Azerbaijan | Baku Scientific and Training Centre, Head of laboratoru | 11, Idayatzade str., 370154, Baku | t.99412 663881 fax.99412 663995 | |
Gitis Valeri | Russian Federation | Institute for Information Transmission Problems Russian Academy of Sciences | 19, Bolshoi Karetnyi Lane, 101447 Moscow, GSP-4 | t. 095-2995096 fax.095-2090579 | |
Goncharuk Serhiy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 4411887 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Graivoronsky Nikolai | Ukraine | Physics and Technology Institute of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Head of Computer Technologies Laboratory | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2747098 fax.044 2745932 | |
Grygoriv Vasyl | Ukraine | Faculty of Electrical Power Engineerng and Automatics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2743117 fax.044 2745932 | |
Guchik Yuriy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 4419623 | |
Gupal Anatoliy | Ukraine | Institute of Cybernetics named by V.M.Glushkov NAS of Ukraine | 03022, Êyiv 22, pr. Academiscian Glushkov, 40. | t.044 2667418 fax.044 2667418 | |
Gusak Nazar | Russian Federation | Louis Dreyfus | | t.095-7558360 fax:095-7558361 | GUSAKN@LDNEGOCE.COM |
Gvishiani Alexey | Russian Federation | Center of Geograycal Data Studies and Telematics Aplications (CDDS), Director; EDNES vice-president | 3,Molodezhnaya St., GC Moscov 117917 | t.095 1334339 fax.095 9305559 | |
Ilchenko Mykhailo | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Vice-Rector in Scientific | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t. 044 2746213 | |
Illyashenko Vladymyr | Ukraine | Design bureau of information systems | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | t. 044 4411861 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Ilyasov Sabir | Azerbaijan | Baku Scientific and Training Centre, System administrator | 11, Idayatzade str. 370154, Baku, Azerbaijan | t.99412 663881 fax.99412 663995 | |
Iszevska Tetyana | Ukraine | Ministry of Forein Affairs | Mykhajlovska, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 2128195 | |
Jabbarova Gular | Azerbaijan | Baku Scientific and Training Centre, Head of Telecom Department | 11, Idayatzade str. 370154, Baku, Azerbaijan | t.99412 663881 fax.99412 663995 | |
Katchan Ivan | Ukraine | Faculty of Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2745150 fax.044 2745932 | |
Kedrov Ernest | Rusian Federation | CGDS JIPE RAS | Molodezhnaya, 3 GSP-1 | t.095 1334339 fax.095 9305559 | |
Kholmskay Anna | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute",Department of Metal Physics | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2747185 fax.044 2747185 | |
Klestchevnikov Eugen | Ukraine | Faculty of Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 441-92-03 fax.044 2745932 | |
Komov Igor | Ukraine | State Sceentific Center of the Environmental Padiochemistry NAS of Ukraine | 34, Palladin av.,Kiev-142 | t. 044 4440270 fax.044 4510236 | |
Korbicz Jozef | Poland | Technical University of Zielona Gora, Vice-rector | 65-246 Zielona Gora, ul. Podgorna 50, Poland | t.4868 3282204 fax.4868 3270382 | |
Korobko Ivan | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Vice-Rector in charge of Study&Education | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t/ fax.044 2744252 | |
Korsunov Anatoliy | Ukraine | Ukraine ingenner-pedagogical academy, Vice-dean | 61003,Kharkiv, Universitetskay str. | t.0572 206489 | |
Kostjuk Vsevolod | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 2746966 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Kot Anatoliy | Ukraine | Faculty of Electrical Power Engineerng and Automatics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2743117 fax.044 2745932 | |
Kovalenko Oleksandr | Ukraine | International Centre of Telematics in Medicine | 03056, Kyiv, Yangelia str.,16\2 | t.044 2419709 fax.044 2419713 | |
Krasnov Leonid | Ukraine | National Aerospace university named by N.E.Zhukovski "Kharkov aviation institute",Candidate of technical science | 17 Chkalova str., 61070, Kharkiv | t. 0572 441184 fax.0572 441131 | |
Kremen Vasyl | Ukraine | Ministry of Education, ministr | Pr. Peremohy, 10, Kyiv, Ukraine | t.044 216 2235 fax: 044 2164933 | |
Kulakov Yuriy | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Kulish Evgeniy | Ukraine | State Sc.Center | 34 a, Palladin Pr., Kyiv-142 | t.044 4440270 | |
Kuntsevich Vsevolod | Ukraine | Institute of Aerospace reserch NANU, director | 03022, 40 Glushkova str., Kyiv | t.044 2664124 | |
Kusjakin Juriy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 4411328 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Kutsyna Valeriy | Ukraine | International Institute for Market Relation and Entrepreneurship - Centre "Rynok" | 02152 Kiev, st. Bereznyakivska. 26-B | t.044 5536607, 5532579 fax.044 5536609 | |
Kysylev Genadiy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , SRI Informational Resources | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2419611 fax.044 2369637 | |
Leschenko Aleksandr | Ukraine | National Aerospace university named by N.E.Zhukovski "Kharkov aviation institute",Candidate of technical science | 17 Chkalova str., 61070, Kharkov | t.0572 441184 fax.0572 441131 | |
Litvinenko Alina | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | t. 044 2950802 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Lopata Victor | Ukraine | Sensor-based system | 03055, Kyiv-55, a/c 159 | t/ fax 044 241-87-26 | |
Lotshichkiy Pavlo | Ukraine | Faculty of Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2745150 fax.044 2745932 | |
Luhanin Mikail | Ukraine | National Aerospace university named by N.E.Zhukovski "Kharkov aviation institute",Candidate of technical science | 17 Chkalova str., 61070, Kharkov | t.0572 441184 fax.0572 441131 | |
Lupyna Boris | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Sensor-based system | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2745150 fax.044 2745932 | |
Lysenko Valeriy | Ukraine | Informational Center "Chernobyl" | 14,Radjanskaya, c.Chernobyl, Kyiv region | t.044 93 51738 fax.044 93 51044 | |
Makhaniok Andrey | Republic of Belarus | Information Tecnologies Centre National Academy of Belarus, ingeneer | Academicheskaia, 25220072, Minsk, | t.+375-172-842095 gsm.+375-296-842095 fax .+375-172-840722(840721) | |
Makhaniok Mikhail | Republic of Belarus | Information Tecnologies Centre National Academy of Belarus, Director of BASNET | Academicheskaia, 25 220072, Minsk, | t.+375-172-842095 gsm.+375-296-842095 fax .+375-172-840722(840721) | |
Malyukova Inna | Ukraine | International University of finances | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t.044 2417328 | |
Mamedov Ravshan | Azerbajan | Nakhchyvan Computer Center, Director | Azadlyd ave., 26, 373630, Nakhchyvan, Azerbajan | t. 99413657191 fax: 99413657190 | |
Marot Jean-Claude | France | JCM Consultants | 34190 Brissac, France, 6 rue Jeanne d' Arc | t.+33467 733182, fax. +33467 733182 | |
Massue Jean-Pierre | France | Council of Europe | F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex | t. 33 0388412614 fax:33 0388412787 | |
Mayorov Oleg | Ukraine | Ministry of Health | 61002, Kharkiv, box 7313 | t.0572 118032 fax.0572 118025 | |
Mazarchuk Mykhaylo | Ukraine | National Aerospace university named by N.E.Zhukovski "Kharkov aviation institute", Candidate of technical science | 17 Chkalova str., 61070, Kharkov | t.0572 441184 fax.0572 441131 | |
Medvedeva Valentina | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , APRODOS | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2419659 fax.044 2745932 | |
Melikova Khalida | Azerbaijan | Baku Scientific and Training Centre, Head of Information Resources Department | 11, Idayatzade str. 370154, Baku, Azerbaijan | t.99412 663881 fax.99412 663995 | |
Mezhueva Tatiana | | Biribidzhan of pedagogical institute | Biribidzhan, 70-a Shirokaya str, | t. 652000 67983 | |
Mikadze-Chikvaidze Ana | Georgia | Georgian Department Gateway Union, | 44, Agmashenebeli Ave, 380002, Tbilisi | t/ fax.99532 940707 | |
Mintser Ozar | Ukraine | Kyiv State medical institute of postgradual traning, Dean | 03112, Kyiv, Dorogozitskaya str.9 | t.044 4409044 fax.044 4567209 | |
Molokova Iryna | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 2416808 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Morgal Olexiy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 2745261 fax:044 2745932 | |
Mucha Igor | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 4411328 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Muchin Viktor | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 241-72-99 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Mykynyan Yuriy | Ukraine | Facultuyof Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Mysyusa Elena | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Novikov Aleksey | Ukraine | Physics and Technology Institute of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Director | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2747098 fax.044 2745932 | |
Oganesian Rafael | Ukraine | NSC IASA | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2418706 | |
Ou Yang Xibin | China | Central South University of Technology, Director of Sceince and Technology Section | Changsha P.R. of China, 410083,4349 Changsha | t. 86-731-8879581 fax. 86-731-8879276 | |
Pankratova Nataliia | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , NSC IASA | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t/ fax.2419647 | |
Parmon Gennadiy | Belarus | Belarus State Polytechnic Academy | 220027, Minsk, Belarus Pr, Skoryny, 65\11A | t.: 017 2329679 | |
Pavlenko Valeryy | Ukraine | Priazovskyy State Technic Institute | c.Melitopol, PSTU | t/ fax. 0629 339511 | |
Pavlov Oleksandr | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Dean | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Pavlova Tetjana | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 248712 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Pedru De Vashkonselush Koshtru | Portugal | Embassy of Portugal in Ukraine, Ambassador Extraopdynaru and Plenipotentiary | 03004, 9/2 Belyka Vasylkivska str.,Kyiv | t.044 2272442 fax.044 2272066 | |
Peng Shenglin | China | Central South University of Technology, Director of Sceince and Technology Section | Changsha P.R. of China,410083,4349 Changsha | t. 86-731-8879581 fax. 86-731-8879276 | |
Petrenko Anatoliy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , SRI Informational Resources | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2419611 fax.044 2369637 | |
Poltorak Vadym | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Ponte Jose | Portugal | Hospital de Ponta Delgada, Engeneer | Grotinha-Matriz 9500, Ponta delgada, Portuga | t.351-296203066 fax.351-296203085 | |
Poyda Aleksandr | Ukraine | International Centre of Telematics in Medicine | 03056, Kyiv, Yangelia str.,16\2 | t.044 2419709 fax.044 2419713 | |
Prodeus Arkadiy | Ukraine | NPO Slavytich | Kiev. 3 Syrikova str., | t.044 2715163 | |
Proskura Mykola | Ukraine | The Administration of the Exclusion Zone and the Zone of Absolute Resettlement | 14, Sovetskay, Chornobyl, Kyiv region | t.044 2253058 fax.04493 51428 | |
Pshonka Olga | Ukraine | Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President | Dzerzhinsky pr.,12, 83000, Donetsk | t.0622 928060 fax.0622 928048; 928172 | |
Puko Rostislav | Belarus | Belarus State Polytechnic Academy | 220027, Minsk, Belarus Pr, Skoryny, 65\11A | t.\ fax: 017 2327153 | |
Pustovarov Bladimir | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Pysarenko Valery | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , APRODOS | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2663348 fax.044 2745932 | |
Radionov Dmitriy | Ukraine | ISC PentoPak, Head of External Ec.linhs.dep. | 08300, Boryspyl, 5 Brovarskaya str. | t.044 2433297 | |
Remenyuk Eugen | Ukraine | JV "ISA", maneger | 01025, Kyiv, 11 Desyatinna str. | t.044 2287768 fax.044 2302965 | |
Richter Klaus | Germany | University of Mining and technology, Freiberg, depertment of Computer Science, Assistant Professor | Germany, Freiberg, Cottastrasse 1, D-09596 | t.+49 3731 399934 fax.+49 3731 392645 | |
Romanenko Viktor | Ukraine | NSC IASA | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 274-39-87 | |
Romanov Andrey | Ukraine | Kharkov State Academy of Culture | 61003, Kharkov | t. 0572 128282 fax.0572 127385 | |
Ruditsa Vladimir | Ukraine | INTERMAG | 01033, Kyiv, 64 Volodymyrskaya str | t.044 2133671 fax.044 2661073 | |
Saghian Gregori | Armenia | ARMINCO Global Telecommynication, Technical Director | 28, Isaakivna, Eravan, AM 375009,PO BOX 10, Armenia | t. 8852 526326, fax. 8852 281425 | |
Samofalov Konstantin | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Samoilovich Oleg | Ukraine | Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Assistant president | Kyiv | t/f.2122840 | |
Secrieru Grigorie | Moldova | RENAM Public Association,Director executive | 5 Academiei str.,MD-2028, Chisinau, Moldova, | t.3732 738763 fax 3732 735763 | |
Senko Evgen | Ukraine | Faculty of Electrical Power Engineerng and Automatics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2743117 fax.044 2745932 | |
Sergienko Ivan | Ukraine | Institute of Cybernetics named by V.M.Glushkov NAS of Ukraine | 03022, Êyiv 22, pr. Academiscian Glushkov, 40. | t.044 2662008 fax.044 2667418 | |
Shapovalova Svetlana | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , APRODOS | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2419659 fax.044 2745932 | |
Sharifov Firdovsh | Ukraine | Institute of Cybernetics named by V.M.Glushkov NAS of Ukraine | 03022, Êyiv 22, pr. Academiscian Glushkov, 40. | t.044 2662168 fax.044 2667418 | |
Shatilova Valentina | Ukraine | Ministry of Health Protection, NTUU KPI | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2745150 fax.044 2745932 | |
Shavasha Chajrl Khasan | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 4411664 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Shehovtsov Vladimir | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 4464400 | |
Shilo Volodymyr | Ukraine | Institute of Cybernetics named by V.M.Glushkov NAS of Ukraine | 03022, Êyiv 22, pr. Academiscian Glushkov, 40. | t.044 2664336 fax.044 2667418 | |
Shuliakovskaya Tatiana | Russian Federation | STACCIS Project, Manager (EDNES), CGDS | 3,Molodezhnaya St., GC Moscov 117917 | t.095 1334339 fax.095 9305559 | |
Shuliakovskaya Natasha | Rusian Federation | CGDS JIPE RAS, interpreter | 3,Molodezhnaya St., GC Moscov 117917 | t.095 1334339 fax.095-9305559 | |
Siadro Tomila | Ukraine | Ministry of Health Protection, NTUU KPI | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2745150 fax.044 2745932 | |
Sidorenko Sergiy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Head of the Department of Metal Physics | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t. 044 4411645 fax.044 2745932 | sidorenko@uap. |
Sinekop Yuriy | Ukraine | Faculty of Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" ,Head of the department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2745150 fax.044 2745932 | |
Slipchenko Vladimir | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Institute for Dynamic Objects and Systems Design Automation, Director | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t/ fax.044 2740985 | |
Slobodian Leonid | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2746026 | |
Slok Jeroen C.N. | The Netherlands | PwC,Pricewaterhouse Coopers N.V., Technology Consultants | 2500 GS The Hague | t.+3170 342 6373 fax.+3170 342625 | |
Smaguine Sergey | Russian Federation | Nicotech International,Assotiation professor | Moscov, 7/2 Zagorskogo pr. | t. 095 95224780 fax.095 9305559 | |
Solovyov Mykola | Ukraine | Faculty of Electrical Power Engineerng and Automatics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2743117 fax.044 2745932 | |
Starostenco Vitaliy | Ukraine | Institute of goephysics NANU, director | 03164, Kyiv, 40 Glushkova pr., | t.044 4440112 fax.044 4502520 | |
Stirenko Serhiy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 4411101 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Sulema Yevgeniya | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv, bild.15 | t.044 4411323 fax.044 2743202 | sulema@scs.ntu-kpi |
Svystun Lineana | Ukraine | International Institute for Market Relation and Entrepreneurship - Centre "Rynok",Finnens and economics faculty | 02152 Kiev, st. Bereznyakivska. 26-B | t.044 5536607, 553 25 79 fax.044 5536609 | |
Tarkhan-Mouravi David | Georgia | Georgian State Department of Information Technologies, dr. | 77 Kostava Str., 380075, Tbilisi | t/ fax.99532 9997866: | |
Teriev Viktor | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 44411320 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Ternovoy Viacheslav | Ukraine | International Institute for Market Relation and Entrepreneurship - Centre "Rynok",Chief | 02152 Kiev, st. Bereznyakivska. 26-B | t.044 5536607, 553 25 79 fax.044 5536609 | |
Timofeev Vladimir | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741154 | |
Timotshin Yuriy | Ukraine | Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 37 03056, Kyiv | t.044 2741970 fax.044 2745932 | |
Tolbatov Yuriy | Ukraine | Academy of municipal administration | Academy of municipal administration | t.044 4161408 | |
Trepolskiy Olexsandr | Ukraine | Institute of Geophysics NANY | 03164, Kyiv, Pr.Palladina,32 | t.044 4440112 fax.044 4502520 | |
TsyganokBorys | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Head of the Inmternational Relations Department | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t/ fax.044 2740992 | |
Vasenin Valeriy | Russian Federation | Lomonosov Moscow University | Vorob"evy gory, 119899 Moscow | t.095 9392078 fax.095 9390064 | |
Veligotckiy Georgiy | Ukraine | Faculty of Electrical Power Engineerng and Automatics of the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2743117 fax.044 2745932 | |
Voronov Serhiy | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2746029 | |
Vynokurov Oleg | Ukraine | Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Head of Information Analitical Department | 01001, Kyiv, 6 Desyatinaya str, | t/ fax.2281251 | |
YakimenkoYury | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", First Vice-Rector, DSc, Professor | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t/ fax.044 2742082 | |
Yakovenco Andrew | Ukraine | JSCB "Legbank", Economist of securities department | 01033, Kiev, Zhilyanska str, 27 | t.044 2279516 fax.044 2279570 | |
Yakymchyk Mykola | Ukraine | MMC NANU | 01133, Kyiv, 1 Laboratory str. | t/ fax.044 2683423 | |
Yandulsky Oleksandr | Ukraine | Faculty of Electrical Power Engineerng and Automatics at the National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" , Dean | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t.044 2743117 fax.044 2745932 | |
Yang Yehua | China | Central South University of Technology, Director of Sceince and Technology Section | Changsha P.R. of China,410083,4349 Changsha | t. 86-731-8879581 fax. 86-731-8879276 | |
Yarosh Roman | Ukraine | Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Head of Information Analitical Department | 01001, Kyiv, 6 Desyatinaya str | t. 044 2468440 | |
Yatsenko Valentin | Ukraine | National Medical University Scientific -Research Laboratory Centre | ã. Êè¿â, Peremohy av. 34 chemical-physical building building | t/ fax.044 4469113 | |
Yi Yajun | China | Central South University of Technology, Director of Sceince and Technology Section | Changsha P.R. of China, 410083, 4349 Changsha | t. 86-731-8879581 fax. 86-731-8879276 | |
Zakhidov Marat | Uzbekistan | Uzbek branch of EDNES | 700015, Tashkent, Uzbekistan | t.998712561423 fax: 998716021117 | |
Zamjatin Dmytro | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine | t. 044 2743158 fax: 044 2745932 | |
Zgurovsky Mykhaylo | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukrane "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" ,Rector | pr.Peremohy, 3703056, Kyiv | t/ fax.044 2746913 | |
Zhmurenko Vitaliy | Ukraine | Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President | 49016,Dnipropetrovsk, Vakulenchuk str.3, | t.0562 362258 fax.0562 362259 | |
Zhou Lian | China | Central South University of Technology, Director of Sceince and Technology Section | Changsha P.R. of China,410083,4349 Changsha | t. 86-731-8879581 fax. 86-731-8879276 | |