WISTCIS Workshop

Telematics and Networking Support in Environmental and Natural Hazard Research and Monitoring

21-22 June, 2001, Kishinev, Moldova

Preliminary Report

Funded by: Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme of European Union (EU)

Coordinated by: "Earth Data Network for Education and Scientific Exchange" (EDNES, France)

Organized by: Academy of Sciences of Moldova and RENAM Public Association

Venue: Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), Kishinev, Moldova

Programme Committee: Prof. Acad. Andrei Andriesh (President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Co-president of RENAM Association, Moldova) - chairman, Prof. Jean Bonnin (EDNES President, France) - co-chairman, Dr. Grigore Secrieru (RENAM Association, Moldova) - co-chairman

Members: Jacques Babot (WISTCIS project officer, EC IST), Acad. Vladimir Strakhov (JIPE, Russia), Prof. Alexei Gvishiani (CGDS RAS, Russia), Dr. Konrad Froitzheim (Freiberg University, Germany), Edvin de Vries (PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), The Netherlands), Prof. Acad. Anatol Drumea (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, ASM, Moldova), Dr. Peter Bogatencov (CIT ASM, Moldova), Dr. Mikhail Makhaniok (ISTC BAS, Belarus), Alex Nersessian (IPGP, France)

Organizing Committee: Prof. C. Turta (Moldova), Dr. G. Secrieru, (Moldova), Dr. P. Bogatencov (Moldova), T. Shulyakovskaya (EDNES, Russia), A. Goncearuc (Moldova), L. Cozlenco (Moldova), V. Ghinsari (Moldova), M. Simon (Moldova)

Themes of the workshop and EU and CIS organizations and projects invited

- Telematics and networking support for research including environmental and natural hazard studies

  • Spatial Mining for Data of Public Interest (SPIN, Germany)
  • Eur-OPA Agreement on Major Disasters
  • University of Clermont-Ferrant, France
  • Institute of Physics of the Earth, Paris
  • TACIS Prut Basin Water Management Project in Moldova
  • SPIDR-II: Solar Physics Interactive Data Resource
  • European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) data bases: seismic stations, engineering seismology
  • RENAM Association. Networking support for research and university education in Moldova
  • - Building the new EU-CIS projects for IST

  • Training course on EC Fifth Framework Programme (FFP) (PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), The Netherlands)
  • Training course on IST Programme (PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), The Netherlands)
  • Collaborative browsing toolkit CoBrow (University of Ulm, Germany)
  • UNESCO/BSTC Microsoft Office distant education course
  • The call for application to Kishinev workshop containing information about venue, programme committee, organizing committee, themes of the conference and EU and CIS organizations and projects invited, audience, general schedule of the conference, submission of abstracts and registration together with exhibition form and registration form, deadlines, accommodations, conference and exhibition fees, addresses and current accounts have been installed on Moldovian WISTCIS IDC and RENAM Web-sites, as well as on WISTCIS major Web-site and were visible on the Internet.


    The major audience represented environmental, research and educational communities of Moldova including teachers, undergraduate and graduate students of universities. The workshop was also widely advertised in all the seven CIS countries participating in WISTCIS project. Thus, representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and the Ukraine took part in the workshop. Numerous international telematics projects that have been going on in collaboration of EU and CIS countries were presented at the workshop. Representatives of IST projects as well as of other EU telematics initiatives were speakers at the workshop. Organisations and individual specialists in modern information technologies for environmental studies, general research as well as scientists, university teachers, and representatives of ministries and governmental departments were invited on the workshop.

    Organizing Committee

    Academy of Sciences of Moldova
    Centre of Information Technologies
    5, Academiei st.
    Kishinev MD-2028 Moldova
    Tel.: (373 2) 73 98 27, 73 81 02
    Fax: (373 2) 73 57 63

    Workshop Chair
    A. Andriesh (Prof., President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Co-president of RENAM Association)
    E-mail: andries@renam.md

    Contact persons
    Grigore Secrieru (Kishinev, RENAM Association)
    Tel.: (373 2) 73 87 63
    Fax: (373 2) 73 86 46
    E-mail: secrieru@renam.md
    Peter Bogatencov (Kishinev, CIT ASM)
    Tel.: (373 2) 73 87 74
    Fax: (373 2) 72 70 26
    E-mail: bogatenc@cc.acad.md
    Tatiana Shuliakovskaya (Moscow)
    Tel.: (7 095) 133 43 39
    Fax: (7 095) 930 55 59
    E-mail: shu@ednes..org

    For more information refer Web-sites:

    Conference languages

    English, Moldovian, Russian

    Brand new: Manual on teleworking for CIS audience was disseminated at the workshop.

    Workshop venue

    Academy of Sciences of Moldova
    Administrative Block, Large Conference Hall
    1, Stefan cel Mare Bul.
    Kishinev MD-2001 Moldova

    General schedule of the Workshop

    21 June 2001, Thursday

    Early morning - Opening session
    Late morning - Telematics and Networking Support in Natural Hazard Studies
    Early afternoon - General Research, Environmental and Earth Sciences Telematics Projects
    Late afternoon - Training Course on the EC Fifth Framework Programme
    Evening - Reception

    22 June 2001, Friday

    Early morning - Telematics Support for Natural Hazards in Moldova
    Late morning - New EU-CIS Projects for IST
    Afternoon -
    Section 1: Training course on IST Programme
    Training course on the EC Fifth Framework Programme
    Section 2: Seminar on the manual on teleworking for the CIS audience
    Late afternoon - Closing of the Workshop

    Training Courses

    Training course 1: European Union: background, objectives and opportunities

    The course covers the basic items of the European Union. Starting with subjects like the history, organisation and objectives an overview of the policy developed by the European Commission to achieve their objectives will be given. Special attention will be given to the Fifth Framework Programme (FFP), which will be discussed in more detail. This scheme can fund or facilitate co-operative research projects executed by business and research institutes and which can also be joined by organisations based in CIS countries.

    Training course 2: Information Society Technologies Programme

    One of the subjects of the FFP focuses on Information Technologies for Society. A work programme has been developed by the European Commission, where action items are described, which contribute to the objectives of the Commission. Companies and research organisations are invited to propose projects that can contribute to the realisation of the action items. The different lectures (5) give an overview of the action items (Key Actions), requirements for eligibility of a project, how to prepare a proposal and how to execute an awarded proposal. Special attention will be given to the role and opportunities of CIS countries.

    Photos from the workshop

    Opening of the workshop: Prof. Acad. Andrei Andriesh, President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Co-President of RENAM Association, greets the participants
    Opening of the workshop: Prof. Acad. Andrei Andriesh,
    President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
    Co-President of RENAM Association, greets the participants
    Opening of the workshop: Prof. Acad. Andrei Andriesh, President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Co-President of RENAM Association, greets the participants
    Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President, presents WISTCIS project
    Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President,
    presents WISTCIS project
    At the business meeting: Dr. Peter Bogatencov, RENAM Association (center), Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President (right)
    At the business meeting:
    Dr. Peter Bogatencov, RENAM Association (center),
    Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President (right)
    In front of the building of Academy of Sciences of Moldova:<br>
 Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President (left), <br>
 Prof. Erik Peplow, Germany (right)
    In front of the building of Academy of Sciences of Moldova:
    Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President (left),
    Prof. Erik Peplow, Germany (right)
    At the business meeting, left to right: Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President, Mr. Jacques Babot, WISTCIS project officer, EC IST, Dr. Grigore Secrieru, RENAM Association
    At the business meeting, left to right:
    Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President, Mr. Jacques Babot,
    WISTCIS project officer, EC IST,
    Dr. Grigore Secrieru, RENAM Association
    At the official event, left to right: Prof. Acad. Anatol Drumea, Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Dr. Jacques Zlotnici, University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President
    At the official event, left to right: Dr. V. Sidorenco, Moldova,
    Prof. Acad. Anatol Drumea, Institute of Geology and
    Geophysics of Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
    Dr. Jacques Zlotnici, University of Clermont-Ferrand, France,
    Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President
    Mr. Jacques Babot, WISTCIS project officer, makes the speech
    Mr. Jacques Babot, WISTCIS project officer, makes the speech
    Discussing the project, left to right: Prof. Acad. Andrei Andriesh, President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Co-President of RENAM Association, Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President, Prof. Jean Bonnin, EDNES President
    Discussing the project, left to right: Prof. Acad. Andrei Andriesh,
    President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
    Co-President of RENAM Association, Prof. Alexei Gvishiani, EDNES Vice-President,
    Prof. Jean Bonnin, EDNES President
    At the official event, left to right: Dr. Jacques Zlotnici, University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, Prof. Jean Bonnin, EDNES President, Mr. Jacques Babot, WISTCIS project officer
    At the official event, left to right:
    Dr. Jacques Zlotnici, University of Clermont-Ferrand, France,
    Prof. Jean Bonnin, EDNES President,
    Mr. Jacques Babot, WISTCIS project officer