10 Are you ready for teleworking?

You are head of a firm (or have been made responsible for the project by your employer) and you are thinking of introducing a work organisation based on distance-working and the use of communication technologies.

As a company employee, you have heard of the advantages of teleworking.

You wish to set up as a self-employed worker and work online with your partners and customers.

The self-evaluation tests we have designed will allow you to discover some of your main strengths —and your main weaknesses— before you decide to set out on your teleworking adventure.

10.1 How to carry out the test

10.1.1 Place yourself in a category

We have planned four series of tests, each addressed to a specific category of player:

·         Series 1: a self-evaluation test designed chiefly for company heads and telework project managers

·         Series 2: self-evaluation test designed for employees interested in teleworking

·         Series 3: self-evaluation test designed for executives responsible for distance-management of teleworker teams

·         Series 4: self-evaluation test designed for self-employed workers wishing to deploy a system of teleworking with their customers.

Choose the category applying in your case, go to the corresponding sector and answer the questions listed.

If required, you can complement the test by carrying out one or more of the tests designed for other categories.

10.1.2 How to answer the questions

The test is presented in the form of a closed question grid. You Have a choice of four answers on a scale of 1 to 4 (never, not at all, on the contrary, etc.) to 4 (always, completely, exactly, etc.). Indicate your choice (1,2,3 or 4) in the box provided for this purpose against each question. The values corresponding to the four degrees of the scale are as follows:


No, never, not at all, on the contrary, etc.


Sometimes, rarely, not sufficiently, etc.


Often, sufficiently, just about right, etc.


Yes, always, in complete agreement with this statement, etc.



10.1.3 Diagnosis

When you have answered all the questions, add up the points. The resulting figure will place you in one of three categories (determined by a specific number of points applying to each test).


Category 1

You are not yet ready for teleworking.

Category 2

You are almost ready for teleworking, but the test reveals a number of obstacles (degree 1) or weaknesses (degree 2) which will have to be overcome and remedied before you are able to implement an organisation based on teleworking. The weaknesses are such that they do not completely preclude the use of teleworking. However, the distance and media-based activity concepts are likely to intensify difficulties and accentuate the negative effects.  

Category 3

Your are fully ready for teleworking. As in Category 2, however, you will have to pay attention to the weaknesses identified and adapt the teleworking system to take account of these constraints or eliminate them as soon as possible. 


10.2 Self-evaluation: Project Manager / Company

Is the situation applying to the jobs concerned favourable for the introduction of teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

The candidates for teleworking have the use of a communicating computer system


They have individual access to the necessary peripheral equipment


The computer and telecommunications equipment required for teleworking is not too bulky


Face to face contact between candidates and their work colleagues (or with their immediate superior) may be limited


The candidates' present duties can be freed from the use of printed documentation stored at the head office


The candidates' present duties are mainly based on the collection and/or processing of confidential information


The actual work site is of little importance


The work site can be changed without causing any radical change in the work content


The work pace is not determined by the order-giver


The work pace is not dependent on distant colleagues


The work pace is not dependent on customers


A check on the presence of the employee at his workstation can be dispensed with


It is not difficult to draw up measurable objectives for the candidates



Is the company organisation suited to teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

The company structure is highly decentralised


Networked working is a regular practice


For the moment, it can be said that there is no redeployment plan threatening the sector involved in the project


Some entities in the sector concerned by the project will have to be relocated


Absenteeism in the sector concerned is low


The current social climate in the company is tranquil


Management by objective is practised in the sector concerned


Teleworking is already in informal use in the sector concerned


The company is facing keen competition that demands a high level of reactiveness


The company is frequently confronted with change


The company differs greatly from a bureaucratic organisation




Do the employees concerned possess the necessary profile?

1, 2, 3, 4

The candidates are all volunteers and motivated by the project


Employees remaining on the company's premises do so willingly and are motivated by the project


The immediate superiors of the candidates are motivated and in favour of the project


The candidates have several years' work experience in the company


The candidates know how to organise their work


The candidates display flexibility in the organisation of their working hours


Employees concerned by the project are highly autonomous and able to take initiative measures


Employees concerned by the project are skilled in finding solutions to problems themselves


Employees concerned by the project are fully capable of working without any hierarchical supervision.


Employees concerned by the project have had practice and display an aptitude for remote communication


Employees concerned by the project know how to adapt and take on the role of service provider


The employees' superiors are capable of managing the personnel under their supervision without actually seeing them


The group's superiors are accustomed to delegating


The group's superiors have every confidence in the personnel they manage.



Will the company's computer and telecommunications equipment facilitate the introduction of teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

The company is well supplied with computer and telecommunications equipment


The company runs an Internet site for an exchange with its customers


The company has access to an Intranet used for internal exchange


The use of a communicating information system is current and of long standing


In case of breakdown, users of this equipment can themselves ensure the first level of maintenance.



Does the company's plan to intrudcue teleworking stand a chance of success?

1, 2, 3, 4

The planned scenario gives organisational planning priority over regional planning


The planned scenario gives the economic aspect priority over the social aspect


Nonetheless, the social benefits for the candidates can be clearly seen


The project is aimed at more than just reducing travel costs


The project is aimed at more than just reducing accommodation overheads


The project attaches importance to the creation of value added


The project is aimed at pooling skills and/or human resources


The project should enable jobs to be maintained



Total number of points


Category 1: 61 to 122


Category 2: 123 to 183


Category 3: 184 to 244





10.3 Self-evaluation: office-based employee

Is your workplace compatible with the teleworking system?

1, 2, 3, 4

Your workplace is equipped with communicating information systems


You have individual access to the necessary peripheral equipment?


The computer and telecommunications equipment required for teleworking is not too bulky


Face to face contact with your work colleagues (or immediate superior) may be limited


Your present duties can be freed from the use of printed documentation stored at the head office


Your present duties consist mainly in processing information of a not very confidential nature


Your actual work site is of no major importance


Your work site can be changed without causing any radical change in the work content


Your work pace is not determined by the order-giver


Your work pace is not dependent on distant colleagues


Your work pace is not dependent on customers


Your superiors can dispense with any need to check that you are present at your workplace


It is not difficult to draw up measurable objectives for the candidates



Is the organisation of your company suited to teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

The company structure is highly decentralised


Networked working is a regular practice


For the moment, it can be said that there is no redeployment plan threatening the sector involved in the project


Some entities in the sector concerned by the project will have to be relocated


Absenteeism in the sector concerned is low


The current social climate in the company is tranquil


Management by objective is practised in the sector concerned


Teleworking is already in informal use in your sector of activity


There is keen competition in your sector of activity that demands a high level of reactiveness


Your sector of activity is frequently confronted with change


Your company differs greatly from a bureaucratic organisation




Do you and your colleagues possess the necessary profile for teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

You are a volunteer and motivated by the project


The members of the work group remaining on the company's premises do so willingly and are motivated by the project


The immediate superiors of the your work group are motivated and in favour of the project


You have several years' work experience in the company


You know how to organise your work


You display flexibility in the organisation of your working hours


You are highly autonomous and able to take initiative measures


You are skilled in finding solutions to problems yourself


You are fully capable of working without any hierarchical supervision.


You have had practice and display an aptitude for remote communication


You know how to adapt and take on the role of service provider


The group's supervisors are capable of managing the personnel under their control without actually seeing them


The group's supervisors are accustomed to delegating


The group's supervisors have every confidence in the personnel they manage.



Will the computer and telecommunications equipment in your section facilitate the introduction of teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

The company is well supplied with computer and telecommunications equipment


The company runs an Internet site for an exchange with its customers


The company has access to an Intranet used for internal exchange


The use of a communicating information system is current and of long standing


In case of breakdown, you can yourself ensure the first level of maintenance



Could you practise teleworking from home?

1, 2, 3, 4

You have a room available that could be devoted to teleworking


You have direct access from home to the basic telephone network


You have direct access from home to a broadband telecommunications network


It will be possible to ensure effective protection of the network against interference


It will be possible to ensure effective protection of the system against virus attack


It will be possible to provide a data back-up system


The electrical installations in your home conform to existing safety standards.


The future workplace is properly insulated against noise and other causes of disturbance


The workplace is well protected against break-ins


You are sure that no family-related problems will disturb your work at home


You are sure that no third parties (family, neighbours) will cause any disturbance


The workplace and equipment can be properly insured


The risk of accident at work can be properly insured against



Total number of points


Category 1: 56 to 112


Category 2: 113 to 168


Category 3: 169 to 224






10.4 Self-evaluation: Executive charged with managing teleworkers

Is your performance managing procedure suited to teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

Each member is informed of the results of the work performed by the group


Tasks and objectives are clearly set out and periodically discussed with the work group


Definition of objectives, evaluation of individual results and skills to be deployed form the basis of a contractual arrangement


Changes in priorities and possible re-aligning of objectives, either individual or collective, are systematically explained


Members of the group share common objectives


To facilitate collective working, the methods of group work are clearly defined


Current and long-term strategy taking account of factors such as the growth of competition, partners and customers, short-term effects, etc. is examined together with close collaborators


The means for measuring performance (indicators, diagnosis, polls and surveys, etc.) are based on a global approach (quantity, quality, cost, time schedules, flexibility, etc.)


The indicators required for steering the work exist, are formalised, updated and accessible when needed


Evaluation of the work carried out includes an assessment of personal effort


Throughout the year, activity monitoring sessions are held with each member of the group


Internal communications carries regular reports on the tasks and objectives of the work group



Is the method of defining and applying rules compatible with tele-management?

1, 2, 3, 4

The rules applying to the monitoring of activities are clearly set out


Operating rules exist, are known and applied to organising and conducting work meetings


Most of these rules are formalised


These rules are discussed with the work group and updated regularly


Virtual or physical meetings of the entire work group are arranged at regular intervals


There are clear, well-adapted rules applying to methods of communication and conducting meetings (on-site visits, meetings, telephone contact, etc.)



Is the choice and use of communication means compatible with tele-management?

1, 2, 3, 4

The needs for communication and information processing and for suitable tools have been diagnosed


The communication means employed enable the information necessary for the functioning of the work group to be accessed at the proper time


Progress in information and communication technologies allows for the introduction of new forms of work organisation and is an integral part of the company's strategic planning.


The existing information system provides steering indicators: highlighting the issues and problems facing the work group, room for thought and debate and perhaps also decision-making.


The managers take active part in the functioning of the information system used by their work teams, especially in animating areas of group work


Priority is accorded to holding discussions with users concerning needs and required uses prior to making any technical choices


Specification of new work spheres is subject to a global examination of the work organisation by all users (strategy, issues at stake, activities, work pace,, cost, image, etc.)



Do your relations with the work group lend themselves favourably to teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

You are familiar with the professional and cultural background as well as the motivation of each member


You do not find it difficult to envisage managing the personnel under your supervision without seeing them


You are fully familiar with the working conditions and environment of each member of the group


A balance between the relational and professional aspect is sought after in your contact with members of the group


Individual and collective recognition, the level of control and degree of delegation constitute marks of confidence vis-à-vis members of the work group


You are accustomed to delegating


A formal or informal exchange with each member of the group is arranged at least once a week


Occasions for informal social contact are organised regularly


Opportunities for discussions are organised within a clear framework (objectives and room for manoeuvre) with no systematically imposed attendance, either at management or work group level


You consider your personnel sufficiently autonomous for working without any hierarchical supervision


The immediate managers of the group have every confidence in its members.




Does the handling of the know-how and skills of members of the work group lend itself to tele-management of the group?

1, 2, 3, 4

A chart has been drawn up showing the specific skills required for carrying out the tasks of the work group


The key skills of each member required for carrying out the task have been identified


A plan for developing the skills of each member has been formalised, the means exist for identifying and monitoring these skills and are used for steering their development


Recruitment is based on achieving complementarity of skills and knowledge within the work group


Members of the team take part in working group sessions and in the company's transverse or external network, according to their activities.


This participation and its results are reported regularly to all members of the group


Systems for formalising and capitalising on the benefits of the work and for monitoring, etc., that can be used in achieving the task are specified, implemented and made available to all members of the group



Total number of points


Category 1: 44 to 88


Category 2: 89 to 132


Category 3: 133 to 176





10.5 Self-evaluation: Aptitude of a self-employed person for teleworking

Is your activity compatible with teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

Is your workplace equipped with communicating information systems?


Do you have access to the necessary peripheral equipment?


The computer and telecommunications equipment required for teleworking is not too cumbersome


Face to face contact with your customers (or order-givers) may be limited


You can free yourself from the use from the use of costly and bulky printed documentation in your work


Your activity consists mainly in the processing of computerised information


Your actual work site is of no major importance


Your work pace is not determined by the order-giver


Your work pace is not determined by the customer



Are your customers positive in regard to teleworking?

1, 2, 3, 4

In times of peak activity, prospective customers look to outsourcing


Companies in the sectors you cover are refocusing on their core activities


Your prospective customers call regularly on the services of specialists in your area of skills


The social climate in the sector you cover is tranquil


For the moment, it can be said that there is no redeployment plan threatening the sector involved in the project


Your prospective customers are already engaged in teleworking


Online working represents an advantage of which your customers are aware


Your prospective customers are highly communicative and make use of new media in this context


Your prospective customers are facing keen competition that demands a high level of reactiveness


Your prospective customers are frequently confronted with change


Your online services are addressed to business firms tather than bureaucratic organisations



Do you possess the appropriate profile for operating away from the customer?

1, 2, 3, 4

You enjoy good reputation in the trade


You have several years of experience in the sector


You have always been able to manage on your own when the circumstances so demanded


You know how to organise your work


You can display flexibility in organising your time


You are highly autonomous and capable of taking initiative measures


You have practice in and an aptitude for tele-communicating


You know how to adapt yourself to the role of service provider


You are accustomed to drafting documents and negotiating


You have maintained contact with former customers


You have a network which you are building up through your multimedia marketing activities



Does your customers' equipment allow for the provision of tele-services?

1, 2, 3, 4

Your prospective customers are well supplied with computer and telecommunications equipment


Your prospective customers operate an Internet site used for an exchange with their partners


Your prospective customers have access to an Intranet used for internal exchange


The use of a communicating information system by your prospective customers is current and of long standing



Can you carrry on your activity from home?

1, 2, 3, 4

You have a room available that could be devoted to teleworking


You have direct access from home to the basic telephone network


You have direct access from home to a broadband telecommunications network


It will be possible to ensure effective protection of the network against interference


It will be possible to ensure effective protection of the system against virus attack


It will be possible to provide a data back-up system


The electrical installations in your home conform to existing safety standards.


The future workplace is properly insulated against noise and other causes of disturbance


The workplace is well protected against break-ins


You are sure that no family-related problems will disturb your work at home


You are sure that no third parties (family, neighbours) will cause any disturbance


The workplace and equipment can be properly insured



Total number of points


Category 1: 47 to 94


Category 2: 95 to 141


Category 3: 142 to 188