Jean BONNIN, EDNES President.
Fellow of Ecole Normale Superieure. Docteur d'Etat from University Paris 7. Full professor at the Institute of Physics of the Earth in
Strasbourg since 1979. Authored 35 scientific articles and three books. From 1983 until 1992 Secretary General of the European
Mediterranean Seismological Centre.
Alexei GVISHIANI, EDNES Vice President.
Ph.D. in mathematics from Moscow State Lomonosov University in 1974 and Doctor
of Sciences from Moscow Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS in 1984. Full professor of mathematics and geophysics
in Moscow State Lomonosov University since 1989. Foreign member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Since 1994 Vice President of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.
Vice Chairman of ICSU Panel on World Data Centres. Deputy Director of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Martine AMALVICT, EDNES Secretary General.
Graduated at Institut de Physique du Globe in Strasbourg in 1973.
Doctoral Thesis in 1979. Assistant Professor in 1975, then Associate Professor, in the same Institute.
Authored about 20 scientific papers and participated in two books.
Tatiana SHULIAKOVSKAIA, EDNES Deputy Secretary General.
Senior researcher at Centre of Geophysical Data Studies and Telematics Applications
of Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS (CGDS IPE RAS). STACCIS and WISTCIS projects manager (1996-1999, 2000-2003).
Tofig BABAYEV, Head of Azerbaijan EDNES branch.
Director of Baku Scientific and Training Centre.
Ph.D. in Computer Networks and Systems and Applications of Mathematical Methods in Scientific Research (Kiev, Ukraine, 1988).
More than 35 publications including 2 books and 3 invention in the field of ICT. Since 1999, Vice President of Azerbaijan Management Association (AzPMA). Since 2001, Vice President of ACCESS (Association of Computer Centres for Exploring Sustainable Support in Asia & Eastern Europe).
Michael A. CHINNERY, EDNES representative for USA. Received B.A., M.A. and D.Sc. degrees
from the University of Cambridge, U.K. Also received
M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Has held positions at the University of British Columbia,
Canada, Brown University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Was Director of the National Geophysical Data Centre, and retired in 1995.
Currently Treasurer of the ICSU Panel on World Data Centres.
Marat ZAKHIDOV, Head of Uzbekistan EDNES branch
Mikhail ZGUROVSKY, Head of Ukrainian EDNES branch.
Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1995). Member of the Governing Board of UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. Since 1992, Rector of National Technical University "Kiev Polytechnical Institute".
Since 1997, Director of Institute for Applied System Analysis at NTUU "KPI". Head of UNESCO Chair "Technical Higher Education,
Applied System Analysis and Informatics".
Alexander BERIOZKO, graduated from
Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) in 1987. PhD. in computer technology from Institute of Physics of the
Earth RAS (IPE RAS) in 1997. In 1987-1992 engineer, senior engineer at MAI. Senior researcher,
head of geoinformation systems (GIS) and technologies laboratory at CGDS since 1992.
One of the key figures of UNESCO/UNIDO/British Council Pilot Training Course for CIS and East European countries.
Manager of the IST project TELEBALT (2001-2003). Author of 22 publications in aerospace engineering,
GIS applications to geophysical studies and computer networking. Visiting professor at Institute of Physics
of the Earth in Paris (IPGP) in 1998-2000.
Alexandre NERCESSIAN, graduated from the University Paris-6. In 1980 received PhD degree in geophysics
from this university. Since that time he has been scientific researcher in Paris Institute of Physics of te Earth
(Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). His fields of research are seismology, deformation stidies and volcanology.
He authored more than dozen scientific papers. Alexandre Nercessian is well known and internationally recognized by
his work in data collection from French volcanological stations located in different parts of the world.