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World Science Association
TELEBALT 2001-2003


October 1, 2001 - September 30, 2003


TELEBALT project advertises and promotes Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme to three Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) by fast and efficient dissemination and awareness actions targeted on Baltic countries as states newly associated to European Union. These goals are fulfilled using new methods of team work, such as teleworking, virtual laboratories, etc. EU and Baltic states interested parties are encouraged to work together for the benefits of joint Europe.

  • Promote IST Programme to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
  • Develop in participating Baltic countries a system of IST Information Demonstration Centres (IDCs)
  • Organize TELEBALT kick-off planning meeting and major conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, 2 workshops in Riga, Latvia, and outlook workshop in Tallinn, Estonia
  • Provide demonstrations of IST objectives, opportunities, developed telematics products and relevant results to the Baltic States telematics community
  • Introduce new methods of team work to develop project focal points in the three Baltic countries
  • Select and adapt to participating Baltic countries relevant IST developed telematics tools
  • Encourage submission of new project proposals to the EC from the Baltic countries
  • Provide training to promote dissemination of IST and future EC telematics programs in the Baltic States

Applied and theoretical research, environmental protection and telemedicine communities, educational and vocational training communities, commercial companies involved in teleworking and e-commerce.