IST4Balt kick-off planning meeting, 1 October 2004, Riga (Latvia)

E.Zvirblis (INFOBALT) |

Discussion |

J.Babot (EC) |

J.-P.Lloancy (France Telecom) |
IST Event 2004, 15-17 November 2004, the Hague (the Netherlands)

Plenary Session |

Plenary Session |

Plenary Session |

Plenary Session |

Plenary Session |

Opening |

B.Laizane (Ambassador of Latvia to the Netherlands) |

Networking Session |

M.Jakobsone (LITTA) |

A.Kaklauskas (VGTU) |

H.Pruim (UNIDO) |

Networking Session |

S.Ipatov (Bi-Info), A.Beriozko (EDNES), H.Pruim (UNIDO) |

IST4Balt stand |

A.Melnudris (LITTA) |
IST4Balt workshop "Participation in IST at the edge of 6th and 7th Framework Programmes", 24-25 October 2005, Vilnius (Lithuania)

J.Bonnin (EDNES, President), A.Beriozko (EDNES) |

A.Gvishiani (EDNES, Vice president) |

K.-A.Holmberg (Lund University), K.Trojanowski (Polish IST NCP), D.Berzina (Latvian FP6 NCP), B.Mikulskiene (Lithuanian FP6 NCP) |

C.Ericsson (Marratech, Sweden) |

A.Beriozko (EDNES), R.Skirmantas (Agency for International Science and Technology Development Programmes), J.M.Cavanillas
(Atos Origin) |

A.Beriozko (EDNES), A.Soloviev (EDNES), M.Langhof (Teleport Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH), M.Garmute (Lithuanian Innovation Centre),
T.Rikure (RTU) |

H.Schaffers (Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands) |

COMIST round-table |
IST Training Day, 9 December 2005, Tallinn (Estonia)

The audience |

The audience |

The audience |

The audience |

I.Bakane (RTU), M.Boronowsky (TZI, Germany) |

The audience |

M.Boronowsky (TZI, Germany), J.Babot (EC) |

The audience |

I.Bakane (RTU) |

A.Turowiec (ITTI, Poland), T.Sokmann (Hill&Knowlton, Estonia), M.Boronowsky (TZI, Germany), T.Rikure (RTU), I.Bakane (RTU) |

A.Turowiec (ITTI, Poland), T.Sokmann (Hill&Knowlton, Estonia), M.Boronowsky (TZI, Germany), T.Rikure (RTU), I.Bakane (RTU) |

E.Hinrichs (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), A.Solovyev (EDNES), C.Ericsson (Marratech, Sweden), S.Arelis (VITP) |

A.Solovyev (EDNES), C.Ericsson (Marratech, Sweden) |

E.Hinrichs (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), S.Arelis (VITP) |

E.Hinrichs (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany) |

E.Hinrichs (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany) |

E.Hinrichs (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), S.Arelis (VITP) |