"The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Community for research, technological
development and demonstration activities (2007 - 2013)"
According to the IST4Balt Workplan it was originally planned to prepare the training course on FP6 only.
The IST4Balt Training Course on FP7 was prepared as additional course under Workpackage 6 "IST training for Baltic States" by
EDNES in close collaboration with other project partners. Such decision was taken due to the fact that the IST4Balt project
covers the period of transition from FP6 to FP7. The Training Course interface represents Flash applications, which
are available on-line
and as stand-alone applications
Lecture 1. Understanding FP7 |
Lecture 2. FP7 activities |
Lecture 3. Participate in FP7 |
Lecture 4. ICT in FP7 |
"The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) of the European Community for research, technological
development and demonstration activities, contributing to the creation of the European Research Area and to innovation
(2002 to 2006) and its Information Society Technologies (IST) Priority"
This IST4Balt Training Course was developed by EDNES under Workpackage 6 "IST training for Baltic States".
Preparation of the IST4Balt training course was based on the experience gained by
EDNES in preparation of training courses for numerous FP4 TAP and FP5 IST projects:
The training course is devoted to goals, strategic objectives, structure, instruments and thematic priorities of FP6;
structure of proposals, electronic proposal preparation and submission software; consortium building and partner
search, etc. It also covers the IST Priority of FP6. The main idea of the course is to explain step-by-step
how to participate in the FP6 and the IST. A special lecture is devoted to the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
of the EC.
The IST4Balt training course consists of 9 lectures (each 0.5-1.0 hours long). The lectures are available interactively
at the IST4Balt main Web-site at EDNES. The training course will become a part of the IST4Balt conferences and workshops
in face-to-face mode. RTU, Latvia, INFOBALT, Lithuania, and Inforing AS, Estonia, along with other Baltic States
participants, will assist EDNES in preparation of the course summaries in the Baltic languages.
The on-line version of the training course was developed using Flash technology. The latest version of Flash Player is free
and available here.
Lecture 1. Introduction to FP6 |
Lecture 2. What's new in FP6? |
Lecture 3. Finding your research theme |
Lecture 4. Preparing to make a proposal |
Lecture 5. Making and submitting a proposal |
Lecture 6. What happens after submission |
Lecture 7. Managing a project |
Lecture 8. Information Society Technologies (IST) - FP6 Priority 2 |
Lecture 9. Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the EU |
Please refer to Publications/Presentations section
for additional training course documents (e.g. student notes). |