WISTCIS Project (.html) (.ppt)
CLUSTER-PRO Project (.html) (.ppt)
"EU-CIS TELEWORKING 2001", J-C. Marot, JCM Consultants, France (.html).
EMERGENCE Project, U. Huws, Institute for Employment Studies, UK (.html) (.ppt)
TEAMwork Project, B. Foley, TecNet Ltd., Ireland (.html) (.ppt)
From the Fifth to the Sixth Framework Programme, J. Babot, European Commission (.html) (.ppt)
The Networking Infrastructure Programme of the NATO Science Committee, E. Peplow, University of Applied Sciences Stralsund, Germany (.html) (.ppt)
6th Framework Programme of European Union, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (the Netherlands) (.ppt)
WISTCIS project review (12/11/2002 - Brussels, Belgium): Project presentation