Training Courses
The main objectives of training activities in the framework of WISTCIS project are:
To design, test and disseminate a training course in English and Russian for the CIS audience on the history, and existing structure of the European Commission with emphasis to Fifth Framework Programme (FFP);
To design, test and disseminate a training course in English and Russian on Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme for the CIS audience showing the opportunities in new methods of work and teaching the potential CIS applicants how to find EU partners, to build a project and submitt applications to IST (including electronic submission with digital signatures), as well as how to organise management of the projects. Financial, accounting and auditing roules and procedures of IST will be included in the course, as well as logistic matters required for operating in the Information Society;
To prepare introductory lectures in English and Russian to represent and advertise the training courses and to deliver them at the kick-off conference and demonstration workshops;
To implement the above training courses and lectures on WISTCIS main Web-site to make them available for wide audience in EU and the CIS countries;
To prepare a manual on teleworking matters and disseminate it at WISTCIS kick-off conference and workshops, as well as through WISTCIS Web-sites.
Two training courses are developed under the leadership of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), The Netherlands. Centre of Geophysical Data Studies and Telematics Applications (CGDS), Moscow, Russia, assists PwC in the preparation of Russian version.
The first course on the European Commission (EC) and its Fifth Framework Programme (FFP) is devoted to goals, objectives, general structure and programmes of the EC. It explains the place and the role of the DGs in the EC structure, interior structure of the relevant DGs, as well as indicate the roles of completed TAP, IST and other relevant programmes (i.e., TACIS). The course explains the opportunities that FFP opens for EU-CIS team work.
The second course on IST Programme includes: priorities, goals, objectives, structure, key actions and action lines of IST, types of proposals to IST and electronic submission software for preparation of proposals; how to find potential EU partners; CoBrow toolkit for searching partners; how to prepare applications to IST in the most efficient way, evaluation criteria; financial, accounting and auditing roules and procedures for IST projects; logistic environment required for operating in the Information Society; IST support measures, coordination arrangements and related measures.
Both courses consist of 4 lectures (1.0-1.5 hours long). The lectures are available in English and Russian on WISTCIS main Web-site (.doc).
The training courses are summarized in their "introductory lectures" (1.0-1.5 hours long) that were ready by the time of WISTCIS kick-off conference in Kiev, Ukraine. The introductory lectures are available in English and Russian on WISTCIS main Web-site (.doc). The training courses will become a part of WISTCIS conferences and workshops in face-to-face mode. The trainees will be asked to pass a final test to receive "IST user certificate".
Training course 1: European Union: background, objectives & opportunities
The course covers the basic items of the European Union. Starting with subjects like the history, organisation and objectives an overview of the policy developed by the European Commission to achieve their objectives will be given. Special attention will be given to the Fifth Framework Programme (FFP), which will be discussed in more detail. This scheme can fund or facilitate co-operative research projects executed by business and research institutes and which can also be joined by organisations based in CIS countries.
Training course 2: Information Society Technologies Programme
One of the subjects of the FFP focuses on Information Technologies for Society. A work programme has been developed by the European Commission, where action items are described, which contribute to the objectives of the Commission. Companies and research organisations are invited to propose projects that can contribute to the realisation of the action items. The different lectures (5) give an overview of the action items (Key Actions), requirements for eligibility of a project, how to prepare a proposal and how to execute an awarded proposal. Special attention will be given to the role and opportunities of CIS countries.
Manual "New Methods of Work for EU-CIS Teleworking"
WISTCIS Manual "New Methods of Work for EU-CIS Teleworking" has been prepared by J-C. Marot, JCM Consultants, France, under subcontract with EDNES. The manual will be presented and evaluated on WISTCIS conferences and workshops.
Table of contents of the Manual is presented here.
Full version of the Manual is available on WISTCIS main Web-site for browsing (.html) and download (.doc).
"EU-CIS TELEWORKING 2001" Presentation by J-C. Marot, JCM Consultants, France, is available for browsing (.html).