P e o p l e

No. Last name TitleWork tel. E-mail
1. GVISHIANI A. Prof., Dr., Deputy Director General of IPE RAS, Head of the Division of Mathematical Geophysics and Geoinformatics of IPE RAS, Head of CGDS IPE RAS, Head of Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence 1334339 gvi@wdcb.ru
2. AGAYAN S. Dr., Leading scientist 9305509 agajan@wdcb.ru
3. SHULYAKOVSKAYA T. Senior scientist1334339 shu@wdcb.ru
4. TATARINOVA T. Scientific secretary9305649 tata@wdcb.ru
5.TATARINOV V. Senior scientist9305139victat@wdcb.ru
6. BURTSEV A. Dr., Senior scientist 9306115 bur@wdcb.ru
7. BOGOUTDINOV SH. Senior scientist9305509 shm@wdcb.ru
8.KEDROV E. Senior scientist1334339 eric@wdcb.ru
9.SOLOVIEV A. Scientist1334339 tols@wdcb.ru
10. TIMOSHKINA E. Dr., Senior scientist2548577 mikh@uipe-ras.scgis.ru
11. POLIAKOV A. Scientist9306115 andrew@wdcb.ru
12. SMAGUINE S. Dr,. Senior scientist1334339 sma@ednes.org
13. BOLOTSKIY E. Scientist9306115 bol@wdcb.ru
14. DUBOV A. Engineer 9306115 dubov@wdcb.ru

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